All you need in a place. Easy logging, powerful Database, LOTW integration, FT8 integration, You can have unlimited number of different callsign logbooks. Can support multiple operators simultaneously logging to the same Database. Powerful wizards help you configure and analyze/search your Data.Search for working but not confirmed QSOs. Two modes of operation 'Easy' mode with simple menus and 'Expert' mode with full menus and all operations.
Superb Cluster. Multiple easy to configure Filters. Filters can be in any combination for Band, Mode, dxspot Author continent, dxstation Continent, if you worked or confirmed, in band, mode and if DxStaion haw LOTW. Specify certain calls or countries to watch for. Multiple DxClsuter with different Filters simultaneously.
Upload your QSOs to LOTW and ClubLog with a Press of a button. Download all new confirmed QSOs with a press of Button. Special Field indicates the QSL medium (Card and/or LOTW).